Mario Forever M-Series



Mario Forever M-Series is my main fangame of original Mario Forever, with custom levels, maps and new unique gimmicks, graphics, musics and features. As of 1 September 2024, you can play through 7 main worlds + 2 extra worlds and look for 3 secret levels whose entries are hidden in certain levels of main worlds. New updates are often released so they add new levels and features and improve the game itself.

Latest version: 2.0 Beta Build 8

Version release date: 31 August 2024

Recent preview video:


For old versions, go down this page. 

Save Porter mirror:


Version 2.0 Beta Build 8 is out that introduces many new things and changes to a game! One more bonus world and two secret hidden levels!
I already plan to make a new version that would have new changes and many bugfixes to level physics and some liftings to a game.

History and genesis:

    I've always wanted to create and release my own MF fangame since 2016. I've created many levels on Mario Worker Remake 2.5 from October 2018 to June 2019, and was releasing some of them publicly from 02 December 2018 to 11 February 2019. On the same day (2019-02-11), I've released a first MF fangame in EXE format - "Mario Forever v1.0 - World T-1" game together with my last MWR 2.5 level "Lots of platforms", although this game was really minor and wasn't very popular at all. Later in the period of a few months, I was beginning many MF projects, but also never could finish them and release, and they got lost later... From summer 2019 to February 2020, I was making "Mario Forever Hammock Worlds" fangame that would have 3 worlds in the first version, and this was the project where I've done a lot more work than in previous projects. Unfortunately I lost the project files in April 2020 due to the computer clean-up...

    I was beginning some MF projects in Summer 2020~October 2020, such as new MF Hammock Worlds, World DPT and 300 Subscribers Special, but I hardly ever made a lot of work in them. Although I still have these projects on my disk and they are pending to be uploaded to the website and become available to download someday.

    Mario Forever M-Series was founded in late November 2020 and the first engine that the game was based on was Rainbow Engine Mod. The first version was supposed to have 3 main worlds. On 11 December, I uploaded a video of a prototype of world M1-1, a classical overworld round: Initially this level was going to have length of 60000 pixels(!!!), but I decided to shorten it. Level M1-1 was completed on 14 December.

    28 December 2020 was an another day of next level finalising. Level M1-2 was a cave level. A recording of the large part of stage creation was uploaded to my YouTube channel and the link is here:

    All world M1 levels were done somewhere at 26 January 2021, except for the map and end cutscene. On the same day, I also launched the "Contest I", where everybody could participate and send their level(s) for the contest. Video of the contest opening: Participants of the contest (sorting from the alphabetical order): Cleo (a.k.a. a teardrop), Boo_King (a.k.a. Vex) DV Light Mind (a.k.a. David Escorche), Golden Mushroom 979, Karbinki 658, Kovu X-2016, TheMarioGamer, Third Star 248. Results of the contest can be checked out here. The competition was ended on 1 March 2021 and results were announced on 20 March.

    Level M2-1 creation began somewhere at the end of January and it was finished on 19 February. Main differences between original M2-1 and M2-1 from Mario Forever M-Series 1.0/2.0 Beta Build 8 are the Roto-Discs presence in original version (and they had patterns very difficult to avoid by player) and level length (18000px in original vs. 9504px in v2.0 Beta Build 8).

    Level M2-2 was never ended in the original version. I'll tell something more: only the core of this level was done. On 27 February 2021, I made a livestream on YouTube where I was coding the rising lava. Link to the livestream save:

    April 2021 wasn't the most active month for Mario Forever M-Series. The pace of the project development was much slower than before. Additionally, I published a video to YouTube on 20 April where I informed about three changes: old Intesit website removal, higher frequency of videos on my channel, and that Mario Forever M-Series will be constructed more slowly and that I'm planning to transform the game to another engine.

    In May 2021, I was struggling with moving Mario Forever M-Series to the another engine: Feather Engine. After all I didn't even port the one level completely (M1-1) and I gave up porting the game to Feather Engine.

    I was making the larger part of world M2-3 in July 2021. Original version was pretty similar to a final one, but you better shouldn't even know how the primeval version of M2-3 was difficult. Things that caused this level to be very hard and frustrating: bar of fast Roto-Discs swiveling next to several block switches that had to be quickly toggled to make the level possible to complete, several Podoboos jumping out from the lava and you had to fit in 32px space between them, upside down lava, very fast green Goombas and the complicated level design. The last change to Mario Forever M-Series based on Rainbow Engine Mod was made on 20 July 2021.

    August 2021... Uh... It was a one big stagnation for this project. I had several ideas to improve my game and make it more logic and unique, but didn't implement them anyway. The same situation lasted for next months.

    In December 2021, I decided to port my game to Cloud Engine v2.0.1.1, due to this engine being completely fixed and having some other cool and unique features. On 6 March 2022, I published a birthday special video of the pre-finished world M1-1 made on Cloud Engine. Link to that video: In May 2022, I also ported a level M1-2. During this process, I was talking several people for the opinions and I told them about my corrections ideas to be implemented into the engine. The last change for the project was done on 26 May 2022, and then I decided to build the game from the scratch again, but this time on the new version of the Cloud Engine (verion 2.1.3). Before making the levels, I decided to put several fixes and implementing own ideas into the engine core, such as normal Bowser jumping off mechanism, Mario entering the castle during the level end animation and aligning the HUD to make its align similar to original Mario Forever. And this last change caused engine's developers to despair and telling to switch the engine to Feather/Vanilla Engine, thus... this was the last time I was using "their" engine. :P

    Someday in early July 2022, I wondered what engine will be the 4th engine for my project. Rainbow Engine? Syzxchulun's World 10 engine? Or Mario Worker 1.0 source project? I couldn't decide for a long moment, but then I chose... Mario Worker 1.0 engine. Why? It was simple and uncomplicated to edit. (Believe me, it's not very difficult to make any improvement to this engine as long as you have basic knowledge in using Clickteam Fusion.) Also, nobody would complain about the way I develop this engine, since it was made only by Softendo, who has said several times before that he doesn't have anything against people creating MF fangames. Engine was very modest, buggy and didn't have many elements, such as Bowser, Thwomp and Fire Bro. Due to Mario Worker 1.0 editor structure, there weren't also such frames as Save Game Room, map and cutscenes. So, the works on the engine for Mario Forever M-Series have begun. Those were almost 2 months of a level template and codes serious fixing (often with problems), correcting and enriching, adding new items and coding Save Game Room... Engine's codename was "Mario Forever Space Engine". When I was projecting it, I sometimes helped myself with World 10 engine and Rainbow Engine (Mod) codes and graphics.

    World 1-1 was done on 25 August 2022 and the beta version of it was sent to TheMarioGamer. There are some differences between this beta version and the final version of level, such as different background, some physics codes different, and visible development counters. You can download this version from the link from "Non-public old beta versions" section.

    In early September 2022, I decided to improve game codes, fix bugs and make game codes more clear to read and documented. Remaking level codes was ended on 13 October.

    Since them I moved M1-1, M1-2 and M1-3 levels to new level templates and made also world M1-4, M1 map, end cutscene and world M2 trailer. The game got also the main menu (fun fact: the version mark style is identical compared to recent versions of my game). On 13 November, I sent a trailer video of world M1, but with no download link for the game. Initially I was planning to release the first public release of the game on 24 November.

    Mario Forever M-Series 1.0 was finally released on 17 November 2022! (Mario Forever History fandom by me was also delivered on the same day.) This version has world M1 with 4 levels, map, cave and castle cutscene, world M2 announcement... and the bug in M1-1 that makes the level not resetting a timer after you reach finish line. Patch version 1.0.1 was released on the same day. Anyway, the players' gameplays revealed many other glitches, related not only to the world M1, but to the game core itself...

    V1.0.2 came out on 20 November. World M1-1's pipes solidity, Bowser in M1-4, quitting from the game, modern Fullscreen Mode - these all were fixed. In this update, I also changed the music in M1-3, partically fixed Thwomps in M1-4 and music fading from main menu to Save Game Room.

    Version 1.1 (with several development fixes just before releasing) was out in 2 January 2023. Another levels added: world M2 (a lava world with 4 levels, including 2 levels with rising lavas). World title style on map got the new style. Version 1.1 had the critical error that locked the game on map if musics were turned on. Patch 1.1.1 released on the day repaired it (among with the other bugs).

    Game version 1.2 saw the light of the day almost 2 months later - on 6 March 2023 (my birthday). Of course another world has been added (cloudy world M3). I've also updated world M1 title graphic on its map and improved some codes. Unlike to previous public versions, v1.2 didn't have any critical bugs that needed to be patched by the quickly released update.

    21 March 2023 wasn't only the beginning of the Spring, but also an another "refresh" day for Mario Forever M-Series. The new world has been added - world M4, a night world that has 5 levels. This version was also heavily fixed (fun fact: I released a non-public beta "1.3 alpha" version on 8 March, that had practically all bugs fixed, but it didn't have world M4 at all). Not only bugfixes were added to version 1.3, but also bugs itself - I accidentally added a fatal bug to level M3-1 that made the Mario always dying just after loading the level.

    And this M3-1 bug was fixed on version 1.4 released on 15 April 2023. World M4 (desert-themed) world was also added.

    5 May 2023 - a new version of the game. World M6 has arrived on that update. It was a winter world, but unlike to earlier worlds, it was extremely hard (since players have said that worlds such as M5 and M4 were pretty easy). Believe me: practically no one could pass it. The only person that recorded his walkthrough of original world M6 was Classic Yoshi 666 (but with lives hack which isn't surprising considering the difficulty). Link to that gameplay: The world had also some bugs - they were gone since patch version 1.5.1 released on the same day. Version 1.5.2 (2023-05-07) fixed another bug that could cause the game refuse to load because of music files error on computers with cyrillic language.

    Mario Forever M-Series v1.5.2 was the most downloaded version (over 335 views/downloads on MediaFire as of 23 September 2024). But nevertheless, I thought that versions 1.X series are not perfect and have many defects, so I decided to create a new engine for my game. On 7 May 2023, I wrote a post on YouTube where I revealed Mario Forever M-Series 2.0 and the fact that it will have a new engine (more classic and similar to original MF), world M7, changes and bugfixes and etc. And then, the works on a new engine began (like to previous engine, it's based on Mario Worker 1.0 source).

    On 5 June 2023, I uploaded a preview of the new version of world M2-2. Link: Preview 2 (2023-07-01):

    I uploaded a preview of world M7 on 5 July 2023, but I didn't upload version 2.0 of the game.

    15 October 2023 was the day of release... Mario Forever World TGJ & 666 Subscribers Levels, not the Mario Forever M-Series 2.0. I inform about it, because these two minor games were based on the engine of MFMS 2.0, but the prior versions of these two small games were pretty buggy, though.

    When it comes to Mario Forever M-Series 2.0, it was released as version 2.0 Beta #1 on 17 December 2023. In this test version you could check the game and playing experience in these available back then improved worlds: M1, half-done M2, M4, M5 and M7. This update introduced also updated Save Game Room, normal windows maximization and several refirements. There were some bugs and they have been patched by v2.0 Beta #1 Fix1 on 20 December.

    Another milestone of beta version - 2.0 Beta #2 - was published on 21 January 2024. What's was new in this update? Levels M2-3, M2-4, M2 map and end cutscene and bugfixes.

    4 days later, on 25 January, version 2.0 Beta #3 arose. I added corrected world M3 there and deleted a lot of glitches. This version received its hotfix: 2.0 Beta #3 Fix1 (2024-01-26) fixed the level M2-4's platforms.

    Last missing main world - world M6 - was made complete on 25 February 2024 by the release of version "2.0 Beta Build 4".

    Because the later history of Mario Forever M-Series is new and not so rich, the history description ends here for now.

Old versions:


Non-public deprecated beta versions:

Keywords: mario forever m-series, mario forever, mario, super mario, super mario forever, super mario forever m-series, mf, mf m-series, mfms, mario forever m-series download, mf m-series download, world m1, world m2, world m3, world m4, world m5, world m6, world m7, world m8, world m9, m7, m8, m9, m-series worlds, m-series download
Page was last updated on 12 October 2024 (added Save Porter mirror and keywords).

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