Monday, September 30, 2024

Something after a recent start of the website...

So, welcome to the second post on my website! What's up? Well, not so much things going on. Autumn is beginning, September is ending and there's Halloween in a month. I would also tell you some things from me.

When it comes to Moon Twilight, I've recently made very much in this game. I ended player physics codes, first level construction was begun and the game's icon is already done. Here's an another development screenshot:

Pertaining to Mario Forever M-Series, I probably should announce that this game will receive a lot of serious changes and bugfixes. Also, the another update will replace some items that have not changed at all since the first public version of game - version 1.0, that came out in 2022(!), had only 4 levels (as a world M1) and generally was affluent and unplayable.

I don't plan uploading new videos to YouTube in the nearest future due to the recent YouTube's changes which I explained in the previous post. Although the trailers related to Moon Twilight and Mario Forever M-Series will definitely be uploaded, if possible.

So, this is probably enough for this post. If anything new comes to my mind, I will tell about it in the another posts. Feel free to state your views in the comments. See you!

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