Thursday, October 10, 2024

First October post and explaining something...

Hi everyone, it's been quite a long after I posted the previous post. Some of you, who use Discord, may have noticed something unusual related to me, but I will explain it later. Before this, I want to tell about some different things:

  1. I have an idea for the new type of posts: reviews of the games/levels. This means I pick a random game (generally I plan to pick ones related to Mario), play the whole game or the certain part (for example a few levels), rate the work and comment if I did like the game or not, what I especially liked/disliked and what things should be improved in my view. I don't know now when the first review will appear and what exactly will be described, but I plan to release the first review this month.
  2. Accounts passwords for Internet Archive (the website with archival snapshots of websites and archival files) have been stolen and the website itself has been hacked. If you've got an account on this site, you'd better change the password to your account, but the website is also down at the moment. You can read more about it here:
  3. Progress percent of the version 2.0 Beta Build 9 of Mario Forever M-Series is rated to 15%. Believe me or not, but many things will change in this version... You will yourself see which ones after the version is released. :P

When it comes to my Discord account, here's an explanation of the situation. Yesterday (on 9 October 2024) and today I left several servers, mainly ones related to Mario Forever. I've also closed my server "Mario Forever Light Team" and deleted all members from it. Why? There were (and still are) a lot of dramas, I personally dislike behaviour of some persons, and generally I want to reduce dependence and impact from others in creating games and other works and spoiling the progress of them. Trust me, if you don't know how upcoming works are going to look like, awaiting the release is cooler and checking the released works out gives more fun and pleasure.

This change doesn't mean that I'm going to delete an account from Discord. If you want to talk with me there (or any other platform listed on this page), feel free to do it in any moment.

By the way, enjoy the new autumn image on a side bar!

Bye for now.


Post was updated on 10 October 2024 just a moment after publishing the post (added the info about a situation with my server "Mario Forever Light Team").

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